Case Report

Seven-Year-Old Girl with Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis Due to Nasal Furunculosis


Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, Brussel, Belgium


Departement of Radiology, Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, Brussel, Belgium

B-ENT 2022; 18: 201-203
DOI: 10.5152/B-ENT.2022.22863
Read: 1808 Downloads: 589 Published: 01 July 2022

The purpose of this study is to report and take into account a rare and potentially dangerous disease, often considered as a historical complication of skin infections in the nasal area. This case report describes the story of a 7-year-old girl who was hospitalized with a high fever and furunculosis of the nasal dorsum and tip. On admission, she presented with an increasing swelling of both eyes. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging scans showed periorbital cellulitis with limited post-septal expansion and right-sided cavernous sinus thrombosis. This young, immune-competent girl recovered fully after appropriate antibiotic and anticoagulation therapy. We conclude that cavernous sinus thrombosis of nasal origin is a rare but serious complication of skin infections in the nasal area. Early diagnosis and aggressive treatment are mandatory to prevent the development of a cavernous sinus syndrome and thereby ensure a good outcome

Cite this article as: De Raedemaeker K, Verstappen G, Halewyck S, De Brucker Y, Gordts F. Seven-year-old girl with cavernous sinus thrombosis due to nasal furunculosis. B-ENT 2022;18(3):201-203.

EISSN 2684-4907