Case Report

Meatoplasty as a Functional Treatment Option in Relapsing Auricular Polychondritis


Department of ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat), AZ Sint-Jan’s Hospital, Bruges

B-ENT 2022; 18: 302-304
DOI: 10.5152/B-ENT.2022.20084
Read: 1103 Downloads: 539 Published: 01 October 2022

Relapsing polychondritis is a rare connective tissue disorder, of unknown etiology, characterized by episodic inflammation of cartilaginous and connective tissue structures, leading to permanent destruction. About 90% of patients develop auricular manifestations in the course of the disease. The main treatment of relapsing polychondritis is medical, and until now, surgery was only performed for cosmetic reasons. We present a case wherein M-meatoplasty is proposed as a functional treatment option in auricular relapsing polychondritis, preventing secondary external otitis and accompanying conductive hearing loss.

Cite this article as: Couvreur FM, Lerut BGH. Meatoplasty as a functional treatment option in relapsing auricular polychondritis. B-ENT. 2022;18(4):302-304.

EISSN 2684-4907