Original Article

Effect of intranasal Merocel packs, silicone splint, and trans-septal suture after septoplasty on Eustachian dysfunction


Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Kastamonu University Faculty of Medicine, Kastamonu, Turkey


Otorhinolaryngology Clinic, Nigde Omer Halisdemir University Training and Research Hospital, Nigde, Turkey


Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Ataturk University Faculty of Medicine, Erzurum, Turkey

B-ENT 2020; 16: 193-196
DOI: 10.5152/B-ENT.2021.20164
Read: 1731 Downloads: 750 Published: 06 April 2021

Objective: In this study, we aimed to compare the effects of nasal obstruction caused by nasal packing, trans-septal suture, and silicon splint after septoplasty on the Eustachian tube functions and middle ear ventilation.

Methods: The study included 60 patients who were operated on for septum deviation between January and July 2017. The ages of the patients ranged from 19 to 53 years. A total of 24 patients were female, and 36 patients were male. The patients were divided into three groups. Group 1 comprised patients who received trans-septal suture, Group 2 comprised patients who received silicon splint, and Group 3 comprised patients who received Merocel packing. The preoperative and postoperative tympanometric evaluations were performed for each patient.

Results: The middle ear pressures of the patients in the three groups were compared; there was no significant difference between the second and the third groups in the right and left middle ear pressures. The middle ear pressures of the first group were significantly lower in both ears than those of the other groups. We have found that trans-septal suture after septoplasty without using a splint or Merocel packing did not affect the middle ear pressure.

Conclusion: Trans-septal U suture application after septoplasty did not increase middle ear pressure and did not affect Eustachian tube functions in comparison with the other alternative methods.

Cite this article as: Topal K, Kars A, Bingol F, Kılıc K, Atalay F. Effect of intranasal Merocel packs, silicone splint, and trans-septal suture after septoplasty on Eustachian dysfunction. B-ENT 2020; 16(4): 193-6.

EISSN 2684-4907