Transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of vestibular decompensation. Objectives: Low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimula-tion (LFrTMS) is a non-invasive and potentially potent tool for neuromodulation in the central nervous system. This case study reports on the therapeutic efficacy of LFrTMS for patients with dynamic vestibular decompensation.
Methodology: Three patients participated, each of which experienced vestibular decompensation from vestibular neuritis. They complained of dizziness even after completing >six months of vestibular rehabilitation education. LFrTMS was administered over the contra-lesional vestibular cerebellum for five consecutive days. Objective instability and subjective symptoms were evaluated with a stabilometer and self-reported questionnaires, respectively.
Results: Postural instability of all patients was ameliorated from day 5 to one month after treatment, but subjective symptoms of patients with anxiety did not change.
Conclusion: This report suggests the utility of LFrTMS targeted at the vestibular cerebellum for the treatment of chronic dynamic vestibular decompensation for patients with minimal anxiety.