Neuro-ophthalmological symptoms in vertigo and dizziness


Neuro-ophthalmological Unit, Erasmus University Hospital, Brussels Neurological Department, Brugmann University Hospital, Brussels. I.R.O.N., Paris

B-ENT 2008; 4: Supplement 15-22
Read: 754 Downloads: 623 Published: 20 February 2020

Neuro-ophthalmological symptoms in vertigo and dizziness. The vestibular and visual systems are closely linked in the genesis of vertigo and dizziness. An examination of these two systems is helpful in the search for an aetiological diagnosis. In ENT, this double approach can also help to avoid certain ophthalmological pitfalls such as the mistaken idea that a squint cannot be of vestibular origin, that the absence of diplopia symptoms is enough to exclude any recent oculomotor paresis, or even that eyelid asymmetry is not relevant to diagnosing dizziness. This paper is intended to help in understanding the neuro-ophthalmological aspects of the guidelines. It is sometimes limited to defining certain terms. However, on the whole, it covers diagnostic procedures.

EISSN 2684-4907