Laser epilation treatment for recurrent infections around a BCHI abutment. Objective: One of the most frequent complications of percutaneous bone conduction hearing implant (BCHI) surgery is dermatitis around the titanium skin-penetrating abutment. In this study, we describe a case where the hair around the BCHI abutment was removed with laser epilation.
Methods: We used a long-pulsed, 800-nm LightSheerTM diode laser (Lumenis, Inc.) to treat recurrent soft tissue reactions caused by the ingrowth of hairs around the implant site.
Results: Laser therapy prevented recurrent infections by effectively reducing hair follicles. The patient was very satisfied with the outcome and no side effects were observed.
Conclusion: Diode laser therapy appears to be successful for patients suffering from recurrent infections around their BCHI abutment due to the ingrowth of hair. This treatment may be a new alternative to current standard therapies.